CFP: Miami Working Group in European and Mediterranean History, 800-1700


CFP: Miami Working Group in European and Mediterranean History, 800-1700 

When: Saturday Afternoon, March 6, 2021, on Zoom

Application Deadline: Friday, January 1, emailed to

This will be the first meeting, on Zoom, of the Miami Working Group in European and Mediterranean History, 800-1700, on Saturday afternoon, March 6. This Working Group is broadly understood to include scholars (and graduate students) working on the medieval and/or early modern Mediterranean world, and Western Europe, broadly understood from the time of Charlemagne to the early Enlightenment. Those in history, art history, literature, religion, and other disciplines are welcome. While the majority of us are from FIU, the University of Miami, and other Florida colleges and universities, we welcome participants from institutions outside our state as well.

At our virtual Working Group there will be multiple opportunities for feedback and engagement, with the goal of creating a friendly community and open space for faculty and graduate students alike to give conference papers from 2020 or 2021 conferences that may have been canceled due to Covid 19, or get helpful comments on their written work in progress. Folks who are not presenting are encouraged to attend the virtual Working Group in order to provide feedback and support to those sharing their research. There will be no cost for attendance, and all who attend are now members of the Working Group! 

  • Professor Hugh Thomas from the University of Miami will be serving as the Respondent for our diverse set of (3) conference papers. The conference papers will be given, the Respondent will speak, and then there will be time for comments and questions. To allow for the most congenial atmosphere for the discussion of works in progress, these sessions will not be recorded. Conference papers should be a standard length—being given in 20 minutes or less.

  • In addition, (3) articles/book chapters will also be chosen. Those with pre-circulated articles/book chapters will simply speak for 1-2 minutes about their paper, and pose any questions they have for their readers, and then the floor will be open for the Workshop participants to provide comments.

Please email Elizabeth Terry-Roisin at with a Word Document containing the title, abstract, and bibliography of your proposed conference paper or article/book chapter by January 1, 2021. Only a title, abstract, and short bibliography of 5-10 works is required for submission. Written work that is of book chapter or article length will need to be pre-circulated for feedback, so please email your chapter or article to by March 1, 2021, and conference papers should also be emailed to this same address so that they can be passed on to the Respondent by March 1.

To attend the Working Group and join the Zoom, there is no fee or application. Please just email Elizabeth Terry-Roisin at before March 6, and the schedule for the event and the Zoom link will be sent to you.